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Post-press conference online report

ElderPressAs our contribution to the peace and development of the nation Ghana, which  is about to go to the polls in a few weeks’ time, the church held a press conference on Thursday, 3rd November, 2016, on the topic: “The Role of Scripture in Nation Building”. The venue was the mini-conference Hall of SSNIT House, Adum, Kumasi. Several local radio and TV stations and newspapers sent reporters to cover the event. It was an insightful, engaging media encounter with which the media personnel were highly impressed. The press conference was intended to shed light on the biblical truth that God is the architect of the modern nation state and that we will continue to need His insights and principles to enrich our governance systems, especially going into election 2016. The press briefing was made in the form of a power-point presentation by Elder Enoch Ofori Jnr. Some of the information shared at the press conference has been reproduced for the education of our visitors.




