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A Divine Call to Power

At this time of the end, all Christians have been called upon to be filled with the great power of God, meant for resurrection and ascension.
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” – Eph 6: 10-11 This solemn call to power is a timely admonition to accord the end-time Christians to opportunity to prepare themselves against the on-coming prophetic days of great tribulation, being the time of the global rule of the Anti-Christ!

Beloved, a feverish preparation for power has become necessary, because the days of the great tribulation, being the time of the rise of false prophets, and of the anti-Christ, is ahead of us. The last days of the resurrection of the just referred to as the holy and blessed resurrection of the just in which the resurrection of the saints shall depend on Christ’s power is ahead of us. To be partakers of the blessed 1 st Resurrection of the just, St. Paul denied himself and considered the precious things of this world but loss, that he might receive Christ’s power of resurrection – Philip. 3:7-8. the Apostle’s determination was geared towards Christ’s power for resurrection.

That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto his death Philip 3:10.

To achieve his goal for resurrection and ascension, he said:
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”- Philip 3:14.

Following the unprecedented events in the last day, resulting in the destruction of the whole world by unquenchable fire, all Christians have been ordered to maintain holiness, in which the infinite power of Christ operates to effect immediate deliverance from the temptations ahead-2Peter 3:10-11. For this reason, all believers in the Lord have been charged with the responsibility to develop themselves in the power of the Lord’s spirit of grace – 2Peter 3:18.

To assist His people to prepare themselves effectively, God according to the prophecy of Joel is pouring out His spirit of power upon all flesh that keep the truth – Acts 2:16-18. The message of repentance is being delivered to direct salvation-seekers to the mighty power of Christ Jesus. Beloved, what we need in this our of redemption to gain entry into the kingdom of God, which is not in words, but in power, is the power of God – 1 Cor 4:20. As the kingdom of God into which we shall enter is in power, St Paul Delivered his sermons to his followers based not on flattery or man’s wisdom, but on the significance of God’s power 1 Cor. 2:4-5. In this way, he prepared them to strong in the power of Christ. Their faith was in His power, as a result.