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The Dress Code of Holy Christian Women

By Elder Enoch Ofori Jnr

(Sabbath School, 28th April – 26th May, 2012)


The Creator designed the first functional clothes for man after sin entered man’s world and the wearing of clothes became a necessity. But how has man approached his dressing culture since then? Has man continued to look to God to dress right since He made the first clothes for him?

The answer is an awful indictment on man’s subsequent relationship with the Creator. A new fashion designer is on the scene, and he’s making his impact most felt in the area of women’s clothing.

What does the Holy Scriptures say about women’s dressing? Is it a teaching to be followed today? If yes, will there be any consequences for one’s salvation if not followed?

The Biblical answer shockingly flies in the face of the standard policy on dressing in the majority of today’s Churches. But then, “let God be true but every man a lie” (Rom. 3:4). The Lord has prescribed in black and white the kind of dressing becoming of His obedient daughters, and it’s part of His “ words of eternal life” (John 6:68) that should be followed in this end time.   “I am the LORD, I change not” (Mal. 3:16). Click here to download the full sermon