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Africa , Land Of Biblical Traditions

Africa , Land Of Biblical Traditions

“Wherever I went, I found that my Master had been there before me.” So declared Dr. H. Ph. Junod, a...

The Royal Law and the Slave Law

The Royal Law and the Slave Law

The Royal Law The constitutional law, governing the kingdom of God, is known as the Royal Law. The knowledge of...

The Restoration of Our Divine Nature

The Restoration of Our Divine Nature

The scriptural account of the creation of man depicts man as the image of God, created in His likeness. As...

Christ’s Universal Power Over All

Christ’s Universal Power Over All

Introducing Christ to the world community, especially His universal power over all the inhabitants of heaven, of earth, and of...

The Wonderful Post-Resurrection life

The Wonderful Post-Resurrection life

Death is an age-old dread. Some philosophically call it “ a necessary end,” but that’s probably because there’s apparently no...